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New Academy Trainees First Week

Kate Watson

Marketing Assistant

Leveraging her extensive experience in the cyber industry and a talent for creative writing, our Marketing Assistant adeptly translates complex, technical cybersecurity concepts into compelling, informative content that not only engages you, the reader but also underscores our authoritative position and expertise in the industry.

Last week, we had a new cohourt of trainees joining our grad programme, after their first official week, they wrote about how their first week has been here at Pentest People. 

Faz Chaudhry

My first week at Pentest People has been very enjoyable and motivational , it can be quite daunting especially with moving to a new city everything was new to me. From my first day, I was greeted by really lovely people. I heard from consultants who had been on the same journey as I am starting, which instantly motivated me. 

My first week has shown me what a lovely place Pentest People is to work. The people here are passionate and are always keen to learn. The office culture is very friendly and welcoming, with everyone happy to help and answer questions. 

I am looking forward to my future here at Pentest People being a part of the academy program and becoming a competent pentester. 

Joe Shipp

My first week at Pentest People has been full of information, introductions and excitement, working through the days following Michael's Guidelines has made the days manageable yet still fun and incredibly informative. We started a number of tasks both technical and non technical to prepare us for the coming weeks, working with the team and the testing that we'll do.

This week overall has been very insightful into the working life of those at Pentest People, allowing me to get to terms with what kind of work I'll be conducting but also getting comfortable around those within the office, introducing myself and getting to know those people outside of work. Socially, we've been playing games in the lounge area with others on my lunch break, everyone has a great work-social relationship which I'm looking forward to being a part of. 

Reuben Mayele

As a recent graduate from Nottingham Trent University this week has been very appealing and interesting from entering and onboarding myself into my first Penetration Testing Consultant role in the Cyber Security Industry.

On Monday, which was my first day, I met my Trainer, Michael, which made me feel comfortable talking about the agenda for the week with the other friendly cohorts eagerly awaiting our first week in Pen testing.

As the days went on I became familiar with the procedures and tasks we had to complete. I had a lot of reassurance and help from the other consultants if I had any questions or problems which made me feel at ease. 

To summarise I had a really positive first week at Pentest People, the work culture is very supportive and friendly. I'm looking forward to improving and learning in the best way I can.

Corbyn Grace

My first week as a Graduate at the Pentest People Academy has been nothing short of great!

After completing my apprenticeship with Pentest People, I transitioned to the academy. This has been a big change of scenery for me and I've enjoyed every moment of the transition. The new cohort of graduates is eager and motivated to push themselves greatly in the name of progress and succession. This has been fantastic for me to be a part of and be surrounded by!

I'd like to say thank you to all the people at Pentest people who have gone out of their way to come and welcome our new cohort and take time out of their no doubtably busy day to come support, build rapport, and share their valuable knowledge with the new cohort!

I look forward to the moment in which the cohort will look back and see the career progression and personal development attained through the academy.


If you are interested in joining our team, get in touch with us via our contact page: https://www.pentestpeople.com/career-contact

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